English patch not working again...

Тема в разделе "Свободное общение / Free speak", создана пользователем SlickJorge, 23 фев 2021.

  1. SlickJorge

    SlickJorge New Member

    Hi, I tried everything in my power to fix english patch but I can't. I did next steps:
    1) open the control panel (start-> control panel).
    2) in the control panel open "Regional and Language Options".
    3) generally "select Russian for programs that do not support unicode.
    4) save the changes by clicking on the ok button

    It still doesnt work, says: "cannot resolve hostname". I would like to ask admin for a help.
  2. Support

    Support Moderator Команда форума

    try to manually change the DNS address to the Google DNS address and try to enter
  3. SlickJorge

    SlickJorge New Member

    Still doesn't work, can we fix the patch instead? you guys have 4k online, english patch should work.
    Lito нравится это.
  4. Support

    Support Moderator Команда форума

    Open a command prompt as administrator, and in turn write the following:
    reset WinSock Netsh
    netsh int ip reset all
    netsh winhttp reset proxy
    ipconfig / flushdns
    Then restart your computer and try to enter the game
  5. SlickJorge

    SlickJorge New Member

    Can you not make me do all those things by hand and instead fix English patch?